Friday, January 15, 2010

Don Miguel Ruiz Don Miguel Ruiz?

Don Miguel Ruiz? - don miguel ruiz

An amazing author ...
The Four Agreements
Mastery of Love
Beyond Fear

Are there comparable to it ... any good reading material?


Freedspi... said...

It's so funny, I have a question posted on the agreements "Four "..... Yes, there are many other great authors: Deepak Chopra (How to Know God - a phenomenal book, and also the Book of Secrets), Neale Donald Walsch (amazing !!!!! Read series of conversations with God - some of the best books I 've read), Marianne Williamson (Re (-read love), Dr. Wayne Dyer are all his wonderful), Eckert Tolle (The Power of Now) and one of the best books I read by Gary Zukav as the seat of the soul (reading) and much more. I have listed as a contact. If you want, send me an e-mail: I read again and again and you can meet many others that I read all the time.

Mommymanic ..... It is cool and I like the questions you post =)

Be blessed.

Denver23 said...

Oh Girl ... so happy to hear another fan to ... Osho is not bad. Courage to live in harmony ......... Invisible aware. Eckhart Toll and Interface, For now it is a MUST!
And Anthony de Mello. Be careful and enjoy your reading.

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